Sunday, August 4, 2019

Reponse to "Women Are More Unsafe these Days"

     I'm shocked at how often Lori's chosen topic has something to do with keeping women out of higher education!

"Women were much safer when they lived under their father's roof until marriage (IF they had a good father) and then under their husband's roof when they married (IF they have a good husband). Feminism has made women unsafe. They have fought for women to attend universities. Are women safe in the universities? 'Sexual assault on college campuses is a common problem that often goes unreported. It includes any unwanted sexual activity, from unwanted touching to rape. Alcohol and drugs often play a role in sexual assault on campsuses.' They have fought for women to have careers. Is the workforce safe for women? 'Workplace sexual harassment is widespread, with studies estimating that anywhere from almost a quarter to more than eight in ten women experience it in their lifetimes.'"   

What a big, scary world out there! The solution? Instead of trying to make the world a safer place by helping women learn to stay safe and teaching men not to do such things in the first place, let's just ban women from going anywhere! For their own good, of course. 

     Let's be clear about the real motive behind such ideas. This is not about keeping women safe, it's about keeping them powerless and subservient. If women are denied education and the ability to support themselves, they will forever be dependent upon men, and the men gain absolute leverage and control as well as the benefits of having a housekeeper for free. 

     Warning bells ought to go off in our heads anytime someone tries to restrict someone's freedom "for their own good." The view of women being presented here is that of children who are unable to take care of themselves and totally lack good judgment. How "kind" of the men to step in and "rescue" them from their own ineptitude! Women are empowered when they have the opportunity to become educated and support themselves, so it's no wonder these are under attack by men who prefer to have the world all to themselves, as well as by the women who have been brainwashed to support that desire. 

     Yes, there is danger in the world. There is danger on college campuses and in the workplace. But there is also danger at the grocery store. There is danger in driving or going for a walk. There is danger anytime you leave the house. Would Lori suggest women should literally never go any of these place, or leave the home at all? If she doesn't, why the inconsistency? And if she does, well, that speaks for itself. 

     For that matter, there is even risk in childbirth! But I suspect it is as this point that Lori would suddenly drop all concern about danger. Lori is constantly telling women that to live as a Christian is to embrace danger, that they should not be concerned about themselves, that they should not leave abusive relationships, and that they should never protest mistreatment from their husbands. Forgive me if I don't find it quite convincing that suddenly, NOW she is worried about womens' safety!

     Beyond that, Lori is using fear for the purpose of manipulation. When, for example, people point out the importance of women having some way of supporting themselves in case their husbands leave them, pass away, or become disabled, she criticizes them for thinking about "what if's" and letting fear influence their decisions. But now, apparently, women should tremble in terror for their very lives (and follow her instructions in order to remain safe)! 

     Lori fills the remainder of the blog with comments from other women in her chat room. 

"Some young women go out into the workforce at a young age, many get jobs as young as 15 and 16, and are exposed to all kinds of filth. I listened to a sermon about this not long ago. It talked about how a father would be wise to provide all the daughter's needs until he passes her off to her husband at which point the husband takes over." 

Same idea, but even less attempt to hide the true intent. If a woman is completely dependent on her father until he "passes her off" (what is she? A football? A piece of furniture?? Cattle?) to her husband, how easy it is to maintain control over her! This is a sinister, thinly masked plot. 

"Promiscuous sex is a result of no father. I went to parties and was in many situations where I could've easily been raped. I also willingly gave myself to men. If I had a father watching out for me, I would've been home waiting for a husband who is worthy of giving myself." 

Apparently women are incapable of having good judgment and making good decisions on their own without a man to graciously lend his common sense. 

     Lori concludes with the cunning, crafty, deceitful declaration that "feminism is a war on women's safety and security." No, feminism was all about women having the same freedoms as men and being able to make their own choices. If someone women prefer to cower from the world let their husbands do their thinking for them, they are welcome to do so. But they have no right to remove all other womens' freedoms in the name of "protecting" them (as if that was ever really the goal anyway). Sorry, Lori: as much as you attempt to convince us otherwise, women are quite capable of thinking for and taking care of themselves. 

     Lori closes with the following Bible verse: 

"Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them acording to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."
1 Peter 3:7

Oops! "...heirs together of the grace of life;" She must not realize she accidentally just posted one of the verses that most directly supports complete equality between men and women!

Link to the original blog:

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Response to "Something to Ponder Before You Divorce."

         Once again, Lori is not the author of this blog; rather, it was written by Michael Davis, one of the men who lurks around her Faceb...