In this blog, Lori discusses comments posted on a picture containing the words “Feminism Ruins Everything. Change my Mind.” She criticizes one woman who points out that feminism gave women the right to vote, and praises the response from the man who posted the picture which included, among other things, the now familiar claim that “the female vote put people in office that have no business near it.” Since this man sees no problem with removing the right to vote from anyone who disagrees with him, and since obviously his problem is with Democrats, I would seriously like to ask him whether he also wants to take away voting rights from all non-whites.
Following this, the remainder of the blog features a response from a woman determined to participate in her own oppression (called “incredible” by Lori).
“It seems that you are conflating two separate issues. No one is saying that women ‘can’t’ be generals (or any other vocation mentioned). I’m sure that there are women who are quite competent in their field and can best many men. Dr. Jordan Peterson attests that more women succeed and are promoted in the field of law at a faster rate than most men.“
I’m honestly surprised Lori approves of a comment that could be so damaging to the egos of fragile men.
“Dr. Peterson (who isn’t a Christian) has found over his years of clinical study that women often outpace men in academia and in their field of study, but swaths of them are found wanting around the age of thirty. Why? Because the obviousness of biology catches up with them. They want marriage. They actually find that they DO want children (and often when it’s too late). They want a more relational and nurturing existence. They want family.”
“What feminism has preached is that women should be ashamed of agreeing with their biology and their psychological/physiological make up and pursue mightily things that go against their very nature. So, they live like men and spend the first two decades of adulthood denying the obviousness of their sex. They are more hardened like men. They are constantly out to ‘prove themselves’ like men.”
“I’m an educated and cultured woman and have spent quite a bit of time in academia and surrounded by those who are entrenched in it. Honestly, I have yet to find one feminists (who has lived her life by the feminist play book) who is truly happy and fulfilled.”
We should also be wary any time someone attempts to force someone else to make a certain choice "for their own good." Anyone can state their opinion, but as soon as they attempt to take away certain rights in order to force the other to be happier, their goal is control, not the good of the other person.
“The root of feminism is to get women to deny the obviousness of their sex, and it has mostly been a scourge on our society.”
No, the root of feminism is that sex does not always determine everything about what an individual can and should do. That is, after all, the main post of this blog: Lori is suggesting that since women's bodies are capable of bearing children (most of the time), this implies that must be their primary purpose in life. Further, she actually expects us to believe her weak assertion that feminists have "forgotten" this. No, feminists are fully aware of womens' biology (probably more so than Lori!). They simply view women as being more than their reproductive organs; they value them as human beings, not baby factories.
Lori ends by saying that “God certainly doesn’t intend for women to compete with men…” This is a recurring theme among those who would deny women basic human rights and confine them all to the same arbitrary mold. They begin by declaring certain things to belong only to men, such as being assertive, having careers, leading, preaching, etc. Then they declare that women should not do these things because to do so would be “imitating men.” But the whole thing is entirely circular, because there was no reason to designate these activities as belonging to men in the first place! To have the right to do these things is simply to be human; but, of course, Lori and those who agree with her don’t seem to recognize women as fully human at all.
Link to the original blog:
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