“Brometheus tweeted this recently: ‘Steps for women looking to get engaged: 1) Wear a nice sundress; 2) Smile a lot; 3) Carry a plate of bacon; 4) When people mention the bacon, say, ‘Yes, I made it.’ Men will instantly rate you far above the vast majority of modern women. This ain’t rocket science. It’s that simple.’”
I’m not familiar with “Brometheus”, so I don’t know for sure whether he’s entirely serious or is just making a joke about bacon. Of course, sadly there are many men out there who do think this way, so I have no trouble believing he’s serious. Still, while the inclusion of bacon in the tweet could be taken as a sign that he’s speaking in jest, Lori definitely takes it 100% seriously!
“Many women don’t dress feminine anymore. Most wear leggings ALL the time which are NOT feminine. Everywhere I go, women are wearing leggings. On a few women, they are very sexy since they outline the body parts clearly. On other women, they are not attractive at all. Few women have perfect bodies. Women, leggings are not feminine nor modest in the least. A pretty sundress or skirt are much more feminine and attractive to men.”
Notice how often people like Lori tell women to dress in a feminine way, but they never define what exactly “feminine” means in this context. Only wear dresses? Skirts? Burkas? She just assumes she will be understood, but in reality everyone will have a different opinion, even among those who are very conservative and old-fashioned.
But there is a bigger problem with Lori’s statement above. She is telling women that all men (or at least the ones worth catching) care mainly about external appearance, and that therefore this is what women should primarily focus on in themselves. If you want a man, you’d better make sure you look pretty, or no one will want you. What an anti-biblical teaching!
“Men worldwide have been asked what they find most attractive in a woman and almost all of them respond, “A woman who is cheerful.” Cheerfulness comes from having a thankful heart. You can’t be cheerful if you aren’t thankful. Instead of looking at what you lack in life, look at all of the good in life!”
There’s nothing wrong with cheerfulness, of course, but Lori’s version of cheerfulness is entirely superficial. In other words, act cheerful so keep your man from becoming angry with you, whether you’re actually cheerful or not. And never tell him if something is bothering you or show your emotions. Needless to say, this is not the recipe for a successful relationship.
“Many women don’t cook these days. Either they go out to eat all of the time or they eat food already prepared. If you don’t like to cook or don’t know how, learn to cook! Men like to eat good food. Home-cooked food is healthier since you know exactly what is in it. It’s cheaper, too. My husband loves me to make my freshly ground whole wheat bread for him so I have been doing this for years.”
I guess a woman’s worth to her husband is based on her ability to cook food for him?
“Did you notice that feminism has created women who are mostly the exact opposite of these traits?”
“Feminism makes women angry because their minds are not on what is good in life but what is not “fair” and how they need to make it right. It teaches women to hate men, marriage, children, and seek their own dreams. (Read the feminist leaders’ words for yourself.)”
Imagine having such an inflated and idolatrous view of men that denying them a position of complete supremacy over women is equivalent to “hating” them!
The words “Read the feminist leaders’ words for yourself” above are a link in the original blog. The link led to an old blog written by Lori containing a bunch of cherry-picked, out-of-context quotes. Sure, they were fairly radical (and I wouldn’t agree with much of what they said), but unless Lori is comfortable with all of Christianity being represented by the members of Westboro Baptist Church, these quotes prove nothing about mainstream feminism.
Also, there absolutely is a place for focusing on fairness and trying to make things right. Shall we see what the Bible says about this?
Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do right. See that justice is done — help those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights, and defend widows.”
Psalm 103:6: “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.”
Psalm 82:3: “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.”
Jeremiah 22:3: “Thus says the Lord: Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.”
Luke 11:42: "But woe to you Pharisees! For you pay tithe of mint and rue and every kind of garden herb, and yet disregard justice and the love of God; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others.”
Lori, you need to read the entire Bible, not just your favorite passages (like Titus 2, Ephesians 5, Genesis 1, 1 Peter 3, and Colossians 3).
“Always dress and act feminine. Learn to be cheerful and cook good food. Ask the Lord to bring a godly man into your life and then wait upon Him. Find the best Bible believing and teaching church around and get involved. Do what you can and leave the results up to Him. In the meantime, concentrate on being holy in body and spirit as God commands (1 Corinthians 7:34). Oh, and most men do prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos!”
Of course she had to include an advertisement for the blog she is most proud of.
What’s interesting to me is that Lori seems to have a low view not just of women, but men! This may seem odd, given the fact that she also seems to worship them, but it makes sense when considering typical behavior of hostages toward their captors, or those in abusive relationships toward their abusers. They hate them, but in a strange way, they also think they need them.
She views all men as being simple-minded brutes who just want food and sex. It’s no surprise that she views men this way, as this is overwhelmingly the type of men who can be found commenting on her Facebook page verbally abusing and bullying the women who comment. But instead of protesting this and calling men to a higher standard, she simply tells women to cater to such un-Christlike appetites and becoming nothing more than eye-candy that cooks. Her proposed standards are entirely external. I’ve said it before and will say it again: a man who is worth marrying will value you for who you are on the inside. If there is ever a man interested in you who cares only about how you look and how you can serve him, run! This may be the only type of man with which Lori aquants herself, but you don’t have to settle for such a thing. There really are better men out there.
Since Lori always ends with a Bible verse, I thought I would try doing the same. What would Lori think of this verse?
Isaiah 10:1: “Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression…”
Link to the original blog: https://thetransformedwife.com/men-are-attracted-to-women-who-are-feminine-cheerful-and-good-cooks/
She is obviously desperately fishing for that same attention she got in summer 2018 with debt-free virgins without tattoos. I don't understand her in any way...its confusing...
ReplyDeleteYes, I think your right. She definitely seems proud of that one! I doubt anything will ever top it though.