Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Response to "Questions Asked of Me."

       In this blog, Lori answers a series of questions sent to her in an email. These are rather general questions, and I suspect Lori's answers would be known to anyone who has followed her for any length of time, so it’s difficult to tell if they are serious or if someone is just trying to trip her up. You’ll have to be the judge. 

What do you think of infertile women who choose to have a career because they can’t have children?

It’s not what I think; it’s what God commands. Just because a woman is infertile doesn’t mean she has to have a career. There were many women in the Old Testament who were infertile for a long time (Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Hannah), yet not one of them left their homes all day and worked for a boss. 

Lori constantly plays this card to dodge criticism and avoid having to justify her position. She wants us to believe she’s not presenting any of her own ideas, but is simply speaking for God. And yet seldom (if any) of her ideas actually appear in the Bible! We can be very thankful that Lori does not, in fact, speak for God, and I believe that one day she will have to answer for using His name to push her own agenda. What exactly does “taking the Lord’s Name in vain” mean, if not this? 

       And to support her position, she presents four women who lived centuries ago in a completely different culture. Of course these women didn’t leave the home and work for a boss! Does she think there was a Starbucks down the street that was hiring? This says nothing about whether it’s okay for women to work outside of the home today. 

What do you think of women who choose not to have children because they have a history of miscarriages in their family and don’t want to go through that pain?

I would encourage them to trust in the Lord. Just because there is a history of miscarriages in their family doesn’t mean that these women will have miscarriages. We must not live our lives by fear but by faith, knowing that whatever we go through, God will work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

This is Lori’s typical advice when medical issues are involved: to use caution due to medical issues is to “not trust God” and to live by fear. According to this standard, merely exercising common sense is a sin. This is how cult leaders gain a following: they pressure their followers to not trust their own ability to think. This is the result of Lori’s belief that women are nothing more than baby factories (an accusation she was careful not to deny!). I have no doubt those who have taught such ideas have blood on their hands. 

What do you think of women who believe that God called them to have a career and not have children?

God doesn’t call any women to have a career. You can’t find one verse that states this. He calls them to marry, bear children, and guide the home (1 Timothy 5:14) and to love their husbands and children and be keepers at home (Titus 2:4, 5). 

God would also never call women to intentionally not have children. He created women to have children! Look at their bodies. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. He calls children blessings and wants us to be fruitful and multiply. He has never taken this command away. God’s will for married women is to have children.

Lori actually believes she can take two or three verses out of the Bible and declare that she knows God’s entire will for all women for all time. No, Lori: every woman is a unique individual and has a unique calling from God, despite your efforts to erase their personhood and turn them into faceless, indistinguishable servants and human incubators.

       And, for the record, my fists have the ability to punch people every time I see someone, but that doesn't mean I'm required to do so simply because my body has the ability. It is a highly suspicious, opportunistic leap to claim that every woman must have children simply because her body has the ability to do so. 

Do you think that God could have given some women less meek and more boisterous personalities?

God gives us free will. Are we going to live for Him and obey Him, or are we going to go with our natural bent which is usually opposite of God’s will? He wants women to have meek and quiet spirits. Those with boisterous personalities need to learn to tame them. It doesn’t mean that they can’t laugh, have opinions and discussion, and enjoy life. It means they don’t dominate conversations and insist on being right and don’t act and dress in a way to be noticed by others. They do think before they speak, and discipline themselves to be kind and loving in all that they do and say.

Allow me to be blunt: the only reason Lori feels women should have meek and quiet spirits is so that they never take the focus away from egotistical men who feel mistreated if they’re not constantly in the center of attention. 

       An interesting point can be made here. If asked, no doubt Lori would say the command to have meek and quiet spirits is given only to women. And yet, the description she gives, such as not dominating conversations, not insisting on being right, not drawing attention to oneself, thinking before speaking, and being kind and loving, are not gender-specific principles! Common sense (and the New Testament) tell us that these commands apply equally to men as to women! And yet, to be consistent, Lori must believe these are qualities only women should have. She views all men as dominating conversations, drawing attention to themselves, and thinking they are always right; and worse, she believes men are perfectly justified in being this way. It is only women who are held to any sort of standard. 

What do you think of female representation in the media: characters such as Captain Marvel, and Rey from Star Wars?

I haven’t watched any of those shows but I am sure it’s in order to make women look superior to men, therefore, I am not a fan. Feminists don’t like acknowledging the differences between the sexes. Men are generally stronger, faster, taller, and have ten times the testosterone than women have. God made men to be the protectors and providers. He had men over 20 years and older to go to war (Numbers 1:45), not women. Women and children have always been the ones who were protected up until recently. God calls women the weaker vessel for a very good reason.

Notice how she literally admits that she’s not familiar with these movies, and yet she goes right ahead and judges them. Also, isn’t it interesting how there’s no problem with making men look superior to women, but if they want to throw in a few female characters just to balance things out a little, suddenly this can’t be done because it’s “making women look superior to men”? 

       Also, isn’t it creepy how much she worships men? She never seems happier than when she’s listing all the attributes men have that women supposedly don’t (all external attributes, by the way). This is not normal. Doesn’t it seem like Stockholm Syndrome? 

What do you think of women who use birth control for health reasons such as endometriosis?

Birth control doesn’t heal endometriosis. As Dr. Jolene Brighten wrote in her book Beyond the Pill, “Did you know that women on the pill are more likely to be prescribed an antidepressant? That they are at significantly increased risk for autoimmune disease, heart attack, thyroid and adrenal disorders, and even breast and cervical cancer?” The birth control pill, along with most birth control contraptions, are dangerous to women’s health. Those with endometriosis and other conditions, I encourage to seek out a Naturopath and get to the root of their problems so they can heal.

Lori. PLEASE stop giving medical advice. Seriously. 

       I didn’t address every question in order to keep this blog from getting too long. Still, there is certainly enough here to be terrified of the thought of any woman taking Lori’s advice. Sadly, we know some do. Let’s hope and pray that somehow they can be set free! 

Link to the original blog: https://thetransformedwife.com/questions-asked-of-me/


  1. Lori is nothing like she demands of other women. She is nowhere near meek and quiet. Take your own cult like advice Lori and please, for all thats holy, get off your computer.


Response to "Something to Ponder Before You Divorce."

         Once again, Lori is not the author of this blog; rather, it was written by Michael Davis, one of the men who lurks around her Faceb...