“Living in accordance with your nature is what will bring happiness. Women have no idea how to live like a man, so instead, they ape men and thereby come off as perverse and ridiculous. It is a false masculinity that brings unhappiness. Feminism caused all this dysfunction, which has made everyone unhappy. Feminism has been the single most destructive force unleashed on the West since the end of the Bronze Age, and it will be the death of our civilization. Left and Right both have completely internalized the feminist framework, which includes disdain for tradition, resentment of men, the compulsion to ape masculinity, sexual neuroticism, a victimization fetish, entitlement, the prioritization of the self over any other consideration, including husbands, children, and family, and the destruction of masculine institutions, the churches, public and private education, and Western culture.”
I must admit I had to look up what “ape” means as a verb; apparently it means to imitate something else poorly. This is a common argument from those would subjugate women: they arbitrarily declare certain activities to be reserved only for men, then proceed to the conclusion that if a woman does any of these things she is “acting like a man.” Of course, they can offer no justification for this classification in the first place. I might as well say eating broccoli is for brunettes, so if a blond eats broccoli, she is “acting like a brunette!” It’s circular nonsense.
One of the (many) disturbing things about this paragraph is that you could swap out “men” and “women” for “white people” and “colored” people. These are the same kinds of arguments used to defend racism. And it is full of scary, apocalyptic language to manipulate our emotions to prevent us from thinking clearly.
And feminism has been the most destructive force since the bronze age? I think maybe the black plague or the Nazis would be better candidates, don’t you? Give me a break. I’m not even going to bother answering all the supposed elements of feminism listed above, since these people never even understand the basic definition of feminism. I would sooner ask the Amish about the best video games of 2019.
Lori, of course, is highly impressed with this mess of a paragraph:
She sure nailed it. Feminism has caused women to go far from God’s will for them and caused destruction in its path. No, I don’t rejoice when I see women coming back from the military to surprise their children. I grieve for the children these women left behind to do something that God hasn’t called them to do. I don’t rejoice when I see yet another mother going to medical school to become a doctor. I weep for the children who will receive very little of her time. God has created men to be the providers so women can be home with their children.
Lori expressed this sentiment recently in a rapid series of tweets that were met with warranted backlash, including comments from female service members themselves. I have little to add to the eloquent words of so many, except to say that if Lori is so ungrateful to those who put their lives on the line for her freedom, she is more than welcome to leave the country.
She then includes another idiotic tweet:
“It’s a silly thing for women to say that they don’t need a man. Societies are built by men. The home/apartment they live in was built by men. The building they work in and the car they drive was built by men. Almost everything they use on a daily basis was created and made by men.”
Of course, women tell me all these things that women invented (which aren’t many) in order to put down men’s accomplishments, yet it’s still men who build the factories and make these few things that women invented.
Just when I thought she couldn’t be more illogical, she surprises me yet again! It’s as if she adopted 10 cats and 10 dogs, let the cats run around outside freely but kept the dogs inside, and then concluded that cats like playing outside more than dogs. If you restrict women’s access to education and opportunity, men will accomplish more (DUH). And yet, whenever women have been empowered, they have proven they are just as intelligent and capable as men.
Lori expresses her offense at those who commented and shared the achievements of women who used their brains rather effectively (how dare they!), and then….this is where I completely lost it....she actually says that those who shared these facts about women were simply trying to put down men’s accomplishments! So here’s Lori, declaring all the ways men are so much better than women and that everything good that was ever accomplished was done by a man, and when someone points out that women have done extraordinary things as well, she is quick to point out (falsely) that it’s only “a few”, and claims that it is men who are being put down. I have no words.
I would love to see the war between the sexes in Christian marriages and in the churches end. Let’s go back to the old paths that God created for us where men and women work in harmony together.
That might be possible if people like Lori would let go of the worship of men and disparagement of women, and actually advocate for mutual respect. It is those who believe only men (not women) are worthy of respect who perpetuate the so-called “war between the sexes.”
It’s Satan’s plan to cause division and hatred between the sexes. It’s destructive when famous female “preachers” tweet about the misogyny and sexism in the churches. This only furthers the division!
What a sinister statement. Lori is following in the footsteps of abusers and those who protect them by blaming those who speak up, rather than those who commit the abuse in the first place! It’s not the sexism and misogyny itself that’s the problem; no, it’s the people who call attention to it. Lori would prefer everyone just hushes up and pretends everything is fine. This is not surprising, because this is also her policy for a no-conflict, “happy” marriage.
In society, it should be the men leading. Women are making a mess out of everything as they are trying to lead.
Got any evidence for that? I didn’t think so. Why should we take factual statements who deliberately and proudly keeps her head in the sand?
Looking over everything, I realized just how aimless and random Lori’s entire blog is. It’s as if she didn’t really have a main point to make, but just sat down and thought about how she could insult women. It is so incredibly sad that she has so much contempt and bitterness in her heart. She has a platform that could be used for loving and building up others, and instead she spends her time in this way. If only God had a place in her “ministry.”
Link to the original blog: https://thetransformedwife.
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