Friday, December 6, 2019

Is it sinful for Christian couples not to have children if they can?

       Is it sinful for Christian couples not to have children if they can?

       No. It is not. As Lori loves to say (though only when it supports her own views), “there is not a single Bible verse” that says this. But, of course, this does not stop her from naming herself judge of what is right and wrong. 

Married women have written to me and told me that they are deliberately choosing to not have children, then ask me if this is a sin. What if ALL Christian couples who could have children decided to not have children? Would this be sin? Of course! One of the main purposes for marriage is to raise godly offspring. The first command God gave to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and multiply.

I’m not quite sure what she’s saying here. Her words could be taken to mean that as long as some Christian couples have children, it’s not wrong for the others not to. Of course, this isn’t at all what she means to say. Instead, she is suggesting that because it would be wrong for no Christians to have children, that must mean every Christian who is capable must have children. Lori needs to look up the phrase “non sequitur.” 

       Not every command in the Bible is meant for every one of us. Fundamentalists don’t like this statement, but they can’t deny it. In 2 Timothy 4:13, Paul asks Timothy to bring the cloak with him that he had left at Troas. Does anyone think each one of us must also bring Paul his cloak? The command to be fruitful and multiply applies generally to the human race, not to every member of it. 

Couples deciding to deliberately not have children should not be named among Christians. This type of attitude supports the abortion mentality that children are a nuisance instead of a blessing. 

No, it doesn’t. Deciding not to have children, or not to have more children after having one or two, is not calling children a nuisance. In many cases it is an attempt to be sure you are able to care as best as you can for the ones you do have. Those who have never struggled financially or gone without a good support group of family, nannies, etc., are unable to understand this, of course. 

I asked the women in the chat room how they would respond to the question of whether or not it is a sin for a couple to decide not to have children.

Ah, yes, the “experts” in the chatroom. Lori claims she only teaches what the Bible says, and yet she constantly has to refer to a bunch of carefully selected women in a chatroom instead of simply quoting the Bible. Almost seems like the Bible doesn’t actually say any of this stuff, doesn’t it? 

       Lindsay from the chatroom says: 

“Yes, it is sin to decide to marry while intending never to have children. In fact, it is not marriage. To reject a large part of what God designed marriage to be is to reject marriage.”

And where exactly did all these ideas come from? There is no book of Lindsay in the Bible. And last I checked, none of the actual Bible books say that a marriage without children is not a marriage. 

       Sharon from the chatroom says: 

“IF a young woman ‘doesn’t want’ children, there is something amiss: her training, her understanding, her selfishness, her worldview. She needs to ‘be transformed by the renewing of her mind!’ You cannot say you love God and reject the fundamentals of His Design.”

What an arrogant statement. Sharon thinks there is literally something wrong with anyone who does not share her views: they are selfish, or they “lack understanding.” These people are so sure God defers to them about these things, aren’t they? 

       Also, notice the frequently-occurring and disturbing word “training.” Here, I must agree with Sharon, although I would use the more accurate term “brainwashing.” Yes, if a woman decides perhaps children aren’t for her, it does indeed mean that her brainwashing failed. Those who push such ideas know of no other way to transfer them to others than by forcing them on people and not allowing them to even hear any other views. 

       Lorrie from the chatroom says: 

“I would respond with the thought that there is something wrong with our hearts if we do not want to obey Gods commands. This is something that needs to be mourned—if you do not want children as a woman, your heart is on earthly matters, not heavenly things.”

This is just more of the same manipulative language. It’s as if I told someone they must eat only rice krispie treats for the rest of their life, and when they refuse, I respond with “you don’t want to obey God’s commands!” Prove what you’re talking about really is God’s command and not you’re own, and then we’ll talk. People use this method to elevate themselves to God’s position and try to make it impossible for anyone to question them. 

       Another amusing point is that she claims that to want marriage and children is to have your mind on heavenly things, while the opposite is to have your mind on earthly things. This is the exact opposite of what Pauls says in 1 Corinthians 7:34! “An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.” Lori and her followers need to read the whole Bible, not just their few favorite verses. 

       The actual reason Lori and others like her are so obsessed with having as many children as possible is no mystery: they want to out-breed everyone else. I’m not kidding or exaggerating. If you have the time (and the stomach), check out the Quiverfull movement. Rather than focusing primarily on evangelism, they want to shift control of America over to themselves by producing enough voters to be a majority. Unfortunately, any movement that condemns birth control and insists that everyone reproduce as much as possible will not easily fade away! 

       Children are wonderful. I have two of my own. And raising them well is extremely important. But the biggest lie here is that if you fail to have one more child, you must not value the ones you already have. Or if you feel it’s best for you personally not to have children, you must hate all children. I wonder what Lori would say to the childless Apostle Paul? 

       Lori and people like her claim to value children, but they actually treat them as mere numbers and a means to an end. They don't matter to them as individuals, and a smaller number are treated as if they're worth less than a greater number. This is terribly sad. 

Link to the original blog:

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